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21 April, 2007

Tenaga Anak Untuk Pompa Air

Kenapa kita tidak bisa mendapatkan ini di Indonesia? Karosel ini digunakan untuk memompa air. Dipakai anak-anak setiap hari, dan setiap putaran memompa air. Berapa banyak desa dan gedung, terutama gedung sekolahan bisa menggunakan teknologi sederhana ini. Dengan menggunakan sistem tersebut, anak menjadi sehat, tagihan listrik berkurang, dan beban terhadap suplai listrik PLN akan menurun. Win-win solution. Kalau ada niat….

A company in South Africa has found a way to harness youthful energy in solving the constant problem of water supply in rural villages.

It uses a playground roundabout to power a water pump. Roundabout Outdoors is now hoping to take the concept to other African countries where water infrastructure languishes behind South Africa.

The play-pump benefits women and girls in particular who can spend hours each day fetching water. "African and Asian women spend up to six hours a day walking to collect water," Roundabout Outdoor's Trevor Field told the BBC's World Today. If we put a play-pump in, if you look at the saving on time alone it's phenomenal, and it does have a massive impact on the health of children and people in general."


Mr Field describes the device as "basically windmill equipment". "It's a positive displacement water pump, and as the children spin around it transfers their energy into vertical or reciprocal motion, and that pumps water from an underground borehole or well to the surface where it's stored in a tank for future use."

With the children pushing the roundabout around 16 times a minute, the play-pump can produce 1,400 litres of water per hour from a depth of 40 metres. The pump is effective up to a depth of 100 metres. Its manufacturers say a typical hand pump installation cannot compete with this delivery rate.

The play-pumps require an initial investment of 50,000 rand ($9000). Advertising billboards above the pump raise the funds for maintenance. The South African Aids awareness organisation, LoveLife, is currently paying for advertising space.

Roundabout Outdoor has entered a partnership with the South African Department of Water Affairs and Forestry to help it meet commitments to supply water to rural communities.

BBC News

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