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21 December, 2022

Friday Prayers Going Around The World In A Wave

(I sent this to someone who is learning about Islam, to help him think about what Muslims do every Friday, all over the world.)

It's 1pm on Friday. I just finished doing Friday prayers in Indonesia, together with about 100 million men and boys. And now there will be a wave going around the world, where men and boys in every country go to the mosque at midday, wash their faces, arms, and feet, then stand in silence behind one prayer leader, facing the Kabah (the first House of God on earth, built by the Prophet Abraham) in Mecca, and perform the same prayer to Almighty God. One prayer, one method, one language, one direction, one leader, one Holy Book.

After Indonesia, the same prayer, in the same format, followed by millions of people in each country, will also take place at midday in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Myanmar, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Palestine, Syria, Turkey, Sudan, Mozambique, Egypt, Libya, Nigeria, Niger, Mali, Senegal, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Spain, France, Germany, The Netherlands, the UK, Canada, and America. (And many other countries not mentioned.)

The Friday Prayer will continue around the globe, until about 1 billion men and boys have finished praying to Almighty God, in the same way, at midday in each country. And then next week, it will be repeated all over again. Tell me another religion that has ever achieved anything like that in the last 10,000 years?

This religious obligation was established by Almighty God's Final Messenger to mankind, named Muhammad (PBUH), and the prayer has not changed in 1,400 years. No one has replaced Arabic with their native language. No one has added or deleted any actions or movements in the prayer. No one has used anything other than the verses of the Holy Quran (the Final Testament from God, replacing the New Testament and the Old Testament) in the original language of Arabic, which was the native language of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). And the number of men and boys performing this prayer every Friday continues to grow every year.

I hope this helps you seriously reflect on the global scale of Islam, and the approximately 2 billion Muslims who continue to follow the Final Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

-Gene Netto

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