Abdul Sattar Edhi adalah orang Pakistan yang kerja selama 60
tahun untuk menolong orang lain. Dia telah selamatkan 20 ribu bayi yang tidak
diinginkan, telah melatih 40 ribu perawat, dan 50 ribu anak yatim dapat tempat
tinggal di panti asuhannya. Satu juta bayi telah lahir dalam Klinik Persalinan
Edhi, ada 8 rumah sakit yang berikan pengobatan gratis, rumah sakit mata,
klinik diabet, unit bedah, dan rumah sakit kanker.
Semuanya didirikan oleh satu orang bernama Abdul Sattar Edhi,
yang punya keinginan untuk menolong orang lain. Jangan pernah ragu bahwa dunia
bisa berubah dari usaha satu orang saja. Apalagi kl kita semua bersatu dengan
satu tujuan.
Abdul Sattar Edhi
Abdul Sattar Edhi, NI (Memoni, Urdu: عبدالستار ایدھی) is a
prominent Pakistani philanthropist, social activist, ascetic and humanitarian.
He is the founder and head of the Edhi Foundation. Abdul Sattar Edhi has been
running the Edhi Foundation in Pakistan for the better part of six decades. The
foundation owns and operates a large ambulance service, free nursing homes,
orphanages, clinics, women’s shelters, food kitchens, etc. In 1947, at the age
of 19, Mr. Edhi's family was forced to flee to Karachi. Finding himself in a
new city without any resources, Edhi resolved to dedicate his life to aiding
the poor, and over the last sixty years, he has single handedly changed the
face of welfare in Pakistan. Edhi founded the Edhi Foundation, with an initial sum
of a mere five thousand rupees. Regarded as a guardian for the poor, Edhi began
receiving numerous donations, which allowed him to expand his services. To this
day, the Edhi Foundation continues to grow in both size and service, and is
currently the largest welfare organisation in Pakistan.
Edhi has remained a simple and humble man. To this day, he
owns two pairs of clothes, has never taken a salary from his organisation and
lives in a small two bedroom apartment over his clinic in Karachi.