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08 January, 2009

Gaza: Berikan tanda tangan pada petisi online

Klik pada link di bawah, isi nama dan alamat email. Sudah ada 300.000 orang yang mendukung. Petisi akan diberikan kepada pemimpin dunia, PBB, dan lain-lain, dan akan dibuat iklan dalam koran internasional seperti Washington Post. Organisasi Aavas ini punya banyak pengalaman dengan petisi online dan sudah berhasil beberapa kali mengubah kebijakan politik di manca Negara.
Sebarkan kepada teman-teman yang lain.

Dear friends,

Israel's ground offensive has reached the cities of Gaza and more and more civilians are dying: it's way past time to end this war. With 270,000 signatures for a ceasefire already -- including yours -- our momentum is growing, we've contacted many international leaders and ceasefire initiatives are beginning.

But there's still no end to the violence, and outrageously, the US is obstructing a fair ceasefire at the United Nations -- so we need to raise an even bigger outcry, seeking face-to-face meetings with Security Council powers to deliver our petition as well as taking out ads in influential US newspaper the Washington Post before Barack Obama takes office.

The more of us come together to sign the campaign, the more powerful our voices will become. If you haven't already, please take a moment to forward the link and message below to ten people who might be interested in signing the petition. Delivering half a million signatures this week would really make an impact—

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