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27 January, 2017

Please Help Mrs. Siti, A Widow And Muslim Convert

Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb., Mrs. Siti converted to Islam in 2006 with her husband in Jakarta. In 2008 her husband died, when their third child was born. Mrs. Siti then spent her time begging for money on the streets so she could feed her children. In 2012 Mrs. Siti married again, but when she was pregnant, her second husband ran away and left her (until now). Her fourth child was born, and has never met his father.

Her first son is in Grade 10 at a vocational school. The second son, Farhan, 12 years old, dropped out of grade 1 of primary school five years ago. He was rejected by public schools in Jakarta, because his name listed on the "Family Card" and birth certificate is still his "Christian name" and not the Muslim name he uses now. Mrs. Siti has to go out and beg so her children can eat, but also has to collect many government documents to change her son's name, so he can go to school, so she has not been able to get all the documents until now. The third child, Annisa, is in second grade of primary school, but in a free Catholic school, and wants to move to a state school with other Muslim students (but they can't afford the enrollment). The fourth child is 3 years old, and has never met his father. There is a fifth child who was given away to another couple to because Mrs. Siti could not take care of five children by herself.

Mrs. Siti survives in North Jakarta with four children, in single small rented room, with no income other than begging. Her children also go out begging as they have no choice. Mrs. Siti has experience cooking and selling food in the cafeteria of a mall in North Jakarta. So I want to collect money, around €1,500 - 2,000 so she can rent a food stall and sell food instead of begging. Please send your support to Gene Netto's Social Account:

*** BCA (BANK CENTRAL ASIA), No. 4502214881, Name: Eugene Francis Netto, Branch: KCU Menara Bidakara.
[Or you can send to]:
*** BANK MANDIRI, No. 124-00-0688256-8, Name: Yayasan Bambu Biru (Blue Bamboo Foundation), Branch: KK Jakarta Wisma IKPT.

[ The Swift Code for international transfers to BCA Indonesia is: CENAIDJA. The Swift Code for Mandiri is BMRIIDJA ]

All donated money is given to the recipient, with no reduction. Thank you for your support. May Allah reward you generously for your charity. Wassalamu'alaikum wr.wb., -Gene Netto, Jakarta, Indonesia



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