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12 July, 2009

Cara membersihkan kasur latex

Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb.,

Ada teman yang punya kasur latex yang kena air, dan setelah itu muncul bau yang cukup tajam dari dalam kasurnya. Saya cari info di internet yang mungkin berguna untuk orang yang membersihakan kasur. Ternyata cukup banyak (dalam bahasa Inggris). Mungkin ada yang punya kasur dari anak yang sering ngompol, atau mungkin kasur kena air bah setelah banjir, dan sebaginya.

Saya kira mungkin info ini bermanfaat untuk orang lain juga, jadi saya mau bagikan ke semua teman sekaligus. Semoga bermanfaat.


Aku search dan baca di beberapa situs. Semua komentar ini dari orang biasa yang mau bagikan nasehat. Jadi, insya Allah bermanfaat karena mereka sendiri yang pakai.

Dari semuanya, sepertinya yang bagus adalah saran untuk gunakan cuka putih (white vinegar) dicampur air dan baking soda.

Caranya, tuangkan 1 bagian cuka putih ke 3 bagian air. (50ml cuka putih, ke 150ml air), lalu semprotkan atau lap2 di atas kasur. Lalu digosok baking soda di atasnya lagi, sehingga berbusa kaya sabun. Disemir ke mana2, lalu taruh diluar, dan pasang kipas angin didepannya. Lebih baik bila bisa langsung kena matahari.

Setelah kering, di-vakum dengan vaccume cleaner, dan pakai untuk tidur. Mungkin untuk 1-2 hari ada sedikit bau cuka, tetapi katanya akan hilang dalam waktu 1-2 hari saja. Cuka ternyata adalah zat anti-bakteri dan anti-kuman.

Menurut saya, lebih baik diulangi setelah satu minggu, pada bagian bawah juga. Dan kalau bau busuk belum hilang juga, mungkin diulangi 2-3 kali dalam 1 bulan. Insya Allah berhasil.

Silahkan coba. Insya Allah bisa hilangkan bau kasur untuk selamanya.

Ada satu penjelasan lagi yang menarik: katanya kalau cuci handuk, seprei dan pakaian yang berbau dengan 1 gelas cuka juga pada saat di di rinse (dalam mesin cuci, atau cuci dengan tangan), maka akan keluar dengan bau enak dan menyegarkan, dan bau busuk/ bau lama akan hilang langsung. Cukanya langsung digabung dengan sabun cucinya.

Wassalamu'alaikum wr.wb.,



Vinegar and Water: Some people have suggested that vinegar and water spread over a stain will, at the least, make sure you don't have an obnoxious smell other than the smell of vinegar. Vinegar is acidic, so it dries quickly, while killing most bacteria and mold it comes into contact with.

Removing Smoke Smell and Other Odors From Memory Foam Mattress
Having odors such as those from cigarettes or fire can really be a disheartening experience, especially if you just bought the visco foam mattress from an acquaintance who was a heavy smoker. So now that you have the memory foam mattress that smells like a campfire, how do you get rid of the awful smoke scent?
Some suggestions:

- Simply sprinkle the memory foam mattress with powdered baking soda and let it sit for about a day. Then vacuum the baking soda powder off of the visco mattress, flip it then repeat the process.
- Mix 16 oz. of hydrogen peroxide with 3 tablespoons of baking soda in a spray bottle. Then spraying the areas where smoke odors, or stains even, exist. Also, the mixture could potentially bubble up a bit.
- Febreeze? In regards to using Febreeze, through our research, we have found that even though Febreeze seems to work at first, the odors tend to return.

Some other tips we have received are:
- Spraying a baking soda, vinegar and hydrogen peroxide solution on the affected memory foam mattress and letting it sit. In addition to the hydrogen peroxide and vinegar mixes, add bowls of vinegar in the room.
- Citrus fabric deodorizers with grapefruit seed extract.
- Dusting the mattress with carpet deodorizer, like the baking soda method, letting it sit for a day, then vacuuming the deodorizer off of the memory mattress.

In addition to the aforementioned suggestions, try setting the memory foam mattress out in the sun in order to dry out. We understand that this is quite an inconvenient thing to do, but effective. This way you can spray the mattress outdoors and let the sun dry it out. Then proceed to take the mattress indoors, spread the baking soda and leave it on top for a day.
Once deodorization has been achieved, we recommend the placement of dryer/fabric softener sheets beneath the bed sheets in order to keep the memory foam mattress smelling fresh.

With Three Simple Ingredients

I potty trained three children at once, so you can imagine the number of "accidents" that there were. I found it best to create a baking soda and water paste. Rub it into the area and apply distilled white vinegar over it. Blot this up with clean white towels, and repeat it no more than two times. Follow that with a good rinsing of water, blotting up the moisture. It will smell like vinegar for a short time, but the urine smell should not come back.

Vinegar Works Extremely Well

I found that vinegar works extremely well for banishing odors. I wash stale-smelling towels with vinegar and they smell super-fresh after laundering. Just pour two cups or so into the laundry rinse cycle. I wonder if steam cleaning with vinegar will work for your upholstery? It's worth a try and not very expensive.
Elaine in Ontario

The Cleaning Power of Hydrogen Peroxide

You might want to try hydrogen peroxide. I used it on my carpet for odor removal (my cat kept missing his litter box) and it removed the smell. It didn't remove any color, but you may want to test a small spot first to make sure it doesn't remove color. Pour it on and let it dry. If you have a home carpet cleaner, you can pour it on, let it sit for awhile, and then pull up with the cleaner.

The Wisdom of Old Remedies

My mother is a nurse and knows many of the old remedies for cleaning up accidents of all kinds. When I had my children and one of them wet the bed and it went through to the mattress, she told me to sprinkle corn starch on the area and spray it with water to just dampen it. It is unbelievable how well this draws out the urine and there is no lingering smell.

RE: Body Odor Smell on a Mattress

I found out that a spray bottle of vinegar seems to do the trick. Allow drying time before you do this. Just spray it on and then when damp apply baking soda. Take a scrub brush and brush it into the mattress. When almost completely dry, take a vacuum with a beater bar and sweep off the excess. Again, open some windows, you will smell the vinegar. Once it's dry, you won't smell the odor or the vinegar. Then get a mattress protector at walmart--$7-15 and just regularly wash the sheets. I found out with bed wetters this was the simplest and inexpensive way to clean the odors out. When you wash the sheets, wash them in a soap with enzymes and about 2 cups of white vinegar--they will be fresher than ever! Good Luck!!


  1. Sekedar masukan. Untuk cara membersihkan kasur latex, terutama yang sudah terkena banjir. Pertama2 harus diketahui apakah kasur latex tersebut termasuk produk dgn kadar latex tinggi atau rendah. Kalau kadar getah karet tinggi, sesegera mungkin menghubungi pabriknya yang di Indonesia (di Internet cukup lengkap info2nya), karena kalau kadar getah karet tinggi di pabrik bisa dicuci sampai bersih (tanpa bau).

    Untuk penggunaan cuka dan air, hal ini hanya berlaku untuk kain pelapis kasur. Untuk latex, tidak dapat terkena cuka karena akan merusak latex.

    Untuk bau keringat, kainnya kasur latex umumnya bisa dibuka dan dicuci.

    Hati2, kalau kasur latex sintetis (kadar getah karet rendah) maka hal diatas tidak berlaku.


  2. wah sesat panduannya terima kasih sama yg comment, untung belom gw lakuin

  3. Kasur latexku kena hujan basah kuyub pas pindahan.Cara cari tau pabrik kasur latexnya gmn,udh lama bgt. Cara mengetahui kadar latexnya rendah/tinggi bgmn ?


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