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13 November, 2018

How Can I Pray Five Times Per Day?

Assalamu’alaikum. Doing salat 5x per day is easy. The best method is: Stop thinking about it and just do it. If you need a toilet, do you: A) find a toilet? Or B) ignore that feeling for several hours? Most people find a toilet when they need one. So, if you have time to pee 5x per day then you also have time to pray 5x per day.

Allah made the 5 daily prayers compulsory for us. Logically, there are only two possible reasons: A) salat is NOT important and Allah likes wasting our time; or B) salat is VERY IMPORTANT and that’s why Allah made it compulsory! It seems illogical that Allah would want waste our time for no reason. So, salat must be important, even if we do not understand why.

Many people have compulsory rules in their jobs. A doctor must do careful preparations before an operation. What if that was “optional”? Would you allow a doctor to operate on you if he was too lazy to do all of those compulsory things? A governing authority made those preparations compulsory. Doctors must obey the rules. Pilots have similar compulsory rules. They must check dozens of things before takeoff. What if that was “optional”? Would you fly with a pilot if he was too lazy to do all of those compulsory things? A governing authority made those preparations compulsory. Pilots must obey the rules.

If a doctor ignores the compulsory rules, then maybe the patient will get sick or die. If a pilot ignores the compulsory rules, then maybe the plane will have an emergency and possibly even crash. So, what will happen when a Muslim ignores the Compulsory Rules from Allah, especially salat 5 times per day? Allah is a “Governing Authority” over mankind, and He made His Rules for a reason!

If a doctor or a pilot ignores the compulsory rules, then bad things will happen. And if we ignore the compulsory prayers (salat), then in the same way, maybe our faith in Islam will “get sick” and possibly even “crash”. For example, we might get cancer, or divorced, or fired from our job. Then, instead of praying to Allah, we will ignore Him because our faith is “sick”, and then we might “crash” and get very depressed. However, if our faith is strong and healthy, then we will hold onto Allah and ask for His Help with all of our problems.

We must choose: OBEY Allah, or DISOBEY Him. And if we disobey Him, and ignore salat 5 times per day, then that is like saying we do not want to waste our time praying to Him! Then, one day, we might have a problem and will call out, “Allah, please help me!!” What will we do if Allah replies: “I DO NOT WANT TO WASTE MY TIME HELPING YOU!” (Just as we did not want to waste our time praying to Him.)

We must choose the relationship that we want to have with Allah. Do we want to be His faithful servants, who follow His Rules and pray 5x per day so that He will always pay attention to us? Or do we want to worship and obey him only when we feel like it? We must choose. However, if we do not want a lazy doctor who ignores the rules to operate on us, and if we do not want a lazy pilot who ignores the rules to fly our plane, then we should not behave as lazy Muslims who ignore Allah’s Rules. If we do ignore His Rules, then our faith in Islam will get “sick” and maybe even “crash”, just when we need Allah the most!

If you have trouble praying every day, then just PRAY TO ALLAH AND ASK FOR HIS HELP!!!  Use your own words, for example: “Allah, please help me to pray 5x per day and be a good Muslim. Amin”. It’s that easy. Allah will never turn away from us. We are the only ones who will ever turn away from Him!

I hope this is helpful for you. Wassalamu’alaikum,
Gene Netto

On Facebook:
English: How Can I Pray Five Times Per Day?
Bahasa Indonesia: Bagaimana Saya Bisa Shalat Lima Kali Per Hari?

On Blog:
English: How Can I Pray Five Times Per Day?
Bahasa Indonesia: Bagaimana Saya Bisa Shalat Lima Kali Per Hari?

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